March 11: Update On Toni’s Kitchen Changes in Practices Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

MARCH 11, 2020:

Toni’s Kitchen recently implemented changes in practices to protect our guests and volunteers during this evolving health event.   Given recent developments we will be taking additional steps as outlined below: 


  • We will continue to provide hot meals to guests Thursdays through Sundays.  Our on-site meals will be provided in to-go containers and distributed outside our doors at 11:30 Thursday, Friday and Saturday and at 5:00 on Sundays.  Our dining room will be closed to avoid large numbers of people eating in close proximity.
  • We currently provide guests with additional meals, fruit and special items after the meal service.  This will continue.
  • Picnic tables will be set up outside for those who would like to join a friend while eating a to-go meal.  Being in community together is important to all of us.
  • We will no longer be able to accept home-baked goods until further notice.
  • We will be reducing the size of volunteer groups doing projects in the dining room.
  • The new cleaning and prevention protocols put in place last week will continue. 
  • Volunteers who have been outside the country, on a cruise or interacted with anyone exposed to COVID-19 should take themselves off the schedule for 14 days.
  • We ask any volunteer who is sick to stay home, especially those with respiratory symptoms, fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing.  In addition to removing your name from the shift, please drop us an email if it is less than 24 hours notice.
  • We are installing an additional sink to expand hand-washing capacity for guests.
  • We require that volunteers wash hands before entering the dining room or kitchen.  Volunteers will continue to be asked to stop work and change gloves at standard, timed intervals.
  • We will regularly re-evaluate our new protocols as the local situation evolves. We will keep the public informed.


We also ask our community to let us know if you see unmet food need during this disrupted time.  Let’s take care of each other as we travel this uncharted road.
