Toni’s Kitchen Says ‘Thank You” to Volunteers

Toni's Kitchen hosted dozens of volunteers and staff on the lawn of St. Luke's Church on the evening of May 5 for a wonderful event to say "Thank You" for all of the work that volunteers have done for Toni's during the pandemic.


Anne Mernin, Executive Director of Toni's Kitchen, thanked the volunteers for their work:

"A giant 'Thank You' to all of you for the tremendous love, thought, talent and passion that you have brought to this community in the last couple of years.  We are changed because of it.  We will never be the same because of it.  And we're so grateful to know you, to have you as part of this community.  You are the lifeline by which we are able to do this work." 

Anne talked about the first days after Covid struck, and how Toni's Kitchen, helped by volunteers, kept services up and running.  "Because of you, we didn't lose one day during Covid.  There was not one day where we weren't open."

With the help of more than 1,000 volunteers, Toni's Kitchen is now providing 1,500,000 meals per year to the community as we work to end food insecurity in our community.
