September Food Drive Brings In a Ton of Food!

The latest Toni's Kitchen town-wide food drive on September 28 literally brought in more than a ton of food from donations made by individuals and businesses throughout Montclair, Bloomfield, and West Orange. There were 68 pick ups from single homes and 11 multi-family pickups for the September drive.
A total of 2,250 pounds of food was donated. That equates to 1,875 meals for people in food need in our community. Our town-wide food drives are a simple and easy way to donate food to Toni's. People sign up to participate, then leave donations of shelf-stable food on their front porch, or in fron of their homes. Toni's sends a driver on that day to come and pick up the donation. The pickup is contactless.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the September food drive! We are so grateful to our community for the amazing contributions we receive!