One Simple Vision: Reliable Access to Healthy Food for All


Recent years have lifted the veil on the breadth of food insecurity in our suburbs.  We have all seen the high price of food and record-high housing market in our area. For families living paycheck to paycheck or seniors on fixed income, Toni’s Kitchen is a critical resource.


Looking ahead, we are focused on solutions and taking the lessons of the last few years to heart, setting a target of living in a FOOD SECURE community within the next few years.


What does a full food secure community look like? We know the structural issues that give rise to food insecurity will persist – inflation, high housing costs, medical bills. But imagine a community where healthy food is embedded in the daily gathering spaces of our struggling neighbors. Imagine as well that this is supplemented with targeted programs that cover all the pockets and varieties of food insecurity and ensure there is an easy, accessible, appropriate connection readily available.


If you can embrace this vision and want to help realize it – join us!! Donate funds and volunteer your time and talents. Let’s build a fully food secure community and enjoy the health and stability that will accompany it!