Another Successful Year for Town-Wide Food Drives
Our town-wide food drives, started at the height of Covid, have become a staple of Toni's Kitchen's outreach to the community. This year was no exception. Our three food drives this year in February, September and November were a huge success thanks to the generous donations of all the people…
Toni’s Kitchen Offers Legal Navigation Services to Guests
Guests of Choice Pantry at Toni's Kitchen have a variety of community-based services available to them. One of the newer services makes legal assistance available to guests through a partnership with Newark Community Solutions (NCS) and Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ). Two legal navigators are at Toni's on the third…
Professional Counselor Provides Services to Toni’s Kitchen Guests
Pam Kanter, LPC, MEd Many of the guests who come to us at Toni's Kitchen are facing significant challenges in their lives, from financial problems to health concerns. We are grateful to have a licensed professional counselor, Pam Kanter, LPC, MEd, with 40 years' experience, available on site at Toni's weekly to…