March 11: Update On Toni’s Kitchen Changes in Practices Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
MARCH 11, 2020: Toni’s Kitchen recently implemented changes in practices to protect our guests and volunteers during this evolving health event. Given recent developments we will be taking additional steps as outlined below: We will continue to provide hot meals to guests Thursdays through Sundays. Our on-site meals will…
Montclair and Bloomfield Join Forces to Ensure All Residents Are Counted in the 2020 Census
Montclair and Bloomfield are joining forces to form a Complete Count Committee to ensure that the 2020 Census brings appropriate funding and resources to our communities. The Committee will focus on those who are at risk for being significantly undercounted, including very young children, low income residents, people living in…
Amazon Wish List for Food Items We Need
Did you know that Toni's Kitchen has a Wish List on Amazon for food we need for our programs? Just go to this link: https://amzn.to/2XIERxU and you can easily order food items like peanut butter, oatmeal, rice, granola bars, and canned tuna that we LOVE for our Healthy Backpack outreach program. It…