“Toni’s Grill” Making an Impact
At Toni's Kitchen, we recognize that not everyone can make it to our location at St. Luke's Church. Toni's has a long tradition of reaching into the community to help with food need by delivering food directly to seniors, providing neighborhood mobile markets and by working with partner programs. We also have "Toni's…
A Toni’s Kitchen Guest Story
Recently, a local school called us about a single mother and her son who were about to lose their housing. The mother lost her job but had a new one. However, she missed a rent payment (only one!) and was being evicted within the week. Toni's Kitchen reached out…
“Coffee and Company” Warming Center at Toni’s Kitchen
Toni's Kitchen began offering "Coffee and Company," its warming program for members of the community, back in November. The program runs from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm each weekday in the St. Luke's Assembly Hall. Volunteer Mike Hogan leads the program and works with two other volunteers. He says that the…