A Toni’s Kitchen Guest Story: “Jean”

(NOTE: This is part of a series of stories focusing on how we work to improve the lives of our guests at Toni's Kitchen. To see previous "Toni's Guest Stories," please click here.)


Jean (not her real name) has been a Toni's Kitchen (TK) Choice Pantry (CP) guest since February 2024. Jean resides by herself and lives in Montclair. Jean was laid off from her graphic design position in New York City at the end of 2023 which has caused her financial instability. At CP, Jean has been able to receive healthy groceries and was connected to three other CP onsite partnerships to assist her. Family Promise helped by paying her rent for the month of April so she can remain in her apartment. National Council of Jewish Women's Center for Women along with CP's individual employment coaching service were able to assist Jean to revise her resume, embark on her job search and prepare for her interviews. Jean shared that he is appreciative of TK for helping her regain her footing, develop a plan for moving forward and she is confident that she will land a job soon.
