Toni’s Kitchen participation in New Jersey “Sustain and Serve” Program Helping Montclair Restaurants and Residents with Food Need is extended through May

Since 2020, Toni's Kitchen has participated in the "Sustain and Serve NJ" program, which provides eligible entities with grants to support the purchase of meals from New Jersey-based restaurants that have been negatively impacted by Covid. The meals have been distributed to families in need.

The program was launched by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) and is now in its third phase. Phase 3 was scheduled to end in March, but has now been extended to May. Toni's Kitchen has been involved in connecting with restaurants in our area and distributing meals to those in need in our community. In Phase 3, the total grant to Toni's Kitchen is $734,000.

Toni's Kitchen is proud to be part of this program, which is getting much-needed meals to those in need while helping local restaurants impacted by Covid.
